Rapid Catch-up

Urgent, targeted support

Ensure every child in Year 2 or above who cannot read at age-related expectations gets urgent, targeted support so that they can access the curriculum and enjoy reading as soon as possible.



Dedicated CPD

Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up is a complete catch-up programme that mirrors the core Little Wandle phonics programme, but has a faster pace.

The programme starts with a dedicated training module (to be used alongside the main CPD modules) and is supported throughout with specific ‘How to’ videos modelling all aspects of Rapid Catch-up teaching.


Well paced

Quick-step lessons

Rapid Catch-up lessons use the same content as the core programme delivered at a quicker pace, which our members report has had a great impact. Lessons are embedded in reading with optional Big Cat for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised 7+ books available. These ensure older children can grow their language and become fluent readers, using texts which appeal to their growing understanding.


Our Rapid Catch-up resources are a mirror of what’s available in the main programme, including planning for every lesson, comprehensive guidance, assessment, resources to use in class and support for reading.

Weekly plans

Detailed planning for every Rapid Catch-up lesson, based on the core programme planning, means that teachers can pick up and go with minimal preparation.

'How to' videos

Our ‘How to’ videos for Rapid Catch-up model every aspect of our lessons using all the mantras and teaching steps that will be familiar to teachers using the core programme.