Our impact

Continuous improvement

At Little Wandle, we are committed to measuring our impact. This allows us to be responsive to our members, continually improve our programmes and ensure we are offering the best possible support to ensure all our schools are able to teach reading effectively and change lives.

We measure our impact in a number of ways including; regular focus groups, surveys and event evaluations. We are really keen to hear what our members have to say about our programmes.

One recent survey of our members revealed that over 96% of respondents believed that Little Wandle was having a significant impact on the consistency of practice across their school!*

*Results of November 2022 survey of 139 Little Wandle members who joined between May and July 2022

We are also keen to hear what external organisations have to say about the impact Little Wandle is having. We take a look at all Ofsted reports published for our member schools. We are absolutely delighted that one report highlights the school’s ‘rigorous phonics programme’ while another praises the ‘consistent, well-resourced and effective approach to early reading’.

Ofsted have identified how the Little Wandle programme has supported schools to develop a love of reading, ensure decodable texts are well-matched to children’s developing phonics knowledge and to ensure that early reading is prioritised, amongst other things!

Our mission

Read how our commitment to ensure every child can learn to read informs everything we do.

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Our pedagogy

Discover how our evidence-based approach to phonics teaches all children to read.

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